Flandrau 16 inch - Jupiter 23rd August 2008 |
Flandrau 16 inch - September 19th 2009 |
Flandrau 16 inch - Io Shadow Transit 7th July 2006 |
Flandrau 16 inch - 16th June 2006 |
Flandrau 16 inch - 31st May 2006 |
Flandrau 16 inch - 20th May 2006 |
LX200 10 inch -2001 |
LX10 8 inch - Shadow transit of IO and Callisto |
LX10 8 inch - Shadow Transit of IO |
IO Shadow Transit 7th July 2006 |
IO Shadow Transit and Ganymede 25th May2007 |
IO Shadow Transit and Ganymede 25th May2007 |
Jupiter Animation 16th June 2006 |
Double Shadow Transit of IO and Callisto |
All images (except the LX200 and LX10) taken with Phillips Toucam
Pro and processed with Registax. |