Venus Transit Animation, June 8th 2004

Equipment Used

Telescope Meade LX200 10 Inch SCT
Focal Ratio f/3.3
Guiding N/A

Image Durations

This animation is made up of 53 separate images of Venus as it passed in front of the Sun.  Each image was superimposed on a 7 image mosaic image of the solar disk (also taken at the time of the transit).  A 90mm solar filter was used, attached to a  BC&F Focus Master.  Even with the LX200 stopped down to 90mm,  a blue RGB filter had to be used for each luminance to ensure that the CCD camera did not saturate. 

Duration (secs) Binning
Luminance 0.11-0.2  1x1
Red N/A N/A
Green N/A N/A
Blue  N/A N/A