M84, M86, M87

I counted 30 galaxies in this image.  Move the mouse over the image to see their names.  Maybe you can see more.

1200 x 900

1600 x 1200

More information on M84, M86, M87

Equipment Used

Telescope Takahashi FS-60C piggybacked on Meade RCX400
CCD Camera ST-2000XM
Focal Ratio f/4.5
Guiding Autoguided by ST-2000XM

Image Durations

Duration (mins) Binning
Luminance 60 (12 x 5 mins) 1x1
Red 15 (3x5mins) 2x2
Green 15 (3x5mins) 2x2
Blue 15 (3x5mins) 2x2